Monday, 11 September 2017

Little 15

It's now one month after I was supposed to have a session and decided not to! More importantly my tattoo turns 15 next week. 15! I remember being 15, I thought I was a grown up. Christ I'd love to be that young again. 15 was fun, 15 was optimistic, though I'm sure as a teenager I hadn't realised it. 15 was carefree. 15 meant being home by 10. In a lot of ways mid to late 30's are better.

The tattoo is definitely going to see it's 15th birthday. I'd hoped it wouldn't make 14, I was naive. I had hoped it wouldn't make 15 but it will. There's a chance it won't make 16 but I'm nearly afraid to think that. Last March I told my 8 year old niece that I expect the tattoo to be gone in a year. I hope I didn't lie to her. I'd say a year is to her what 10 is to to me.

The level of fading increases the longer you wait between sessions
11 Sept 2017
I think it was around 2 years ago that I first inquired about removal. I still wish I had started then but am glad I did not start in that place. Over the last 2 years, I have still spent less on removal that they tried to charge me in the first place. €960 for 8 q-switched sessions! I have now had 4 Picosure and 4 Q-switched. I doubt paying €120 per session for Q-switched would have made that big a difference. I just wish I had gone straight to the studio I started in that day, instead of waiting until January. The extra 3 months might have made a big difference. I just thought of a fun game. I need to do my best to make sure removal costs less than €960. Even if it costs more, it didn't cost that up front.

Fading is still going well. I am beginning to want to have another session but know waiting is best. I really think that not getting lasered last month was a good idea. There is a lot of fading and more parts starting to lighten. I'm beginning to think that some of my skin is starting to dry or scar. I am putting some bio oil on but not very often.

Well, it turns 15 next week. I'll likely add another photo, if I remember. I don't think there'll be much of a difference between this week and next, I am curious how it will look on the 11 October. Next session is 26th October. Hopefully this patience is worth it.
Textual description of firstImageUrl

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